RMC Charitable Foundation

HERO Club Scholarship

HERO Club Scholarship

HERO Club Scholarship

Open Applications • 2022-2023 School Year • #HEROCLUB

About the Scholarship

This fund provides recognition and financial support to schools that want to start an on-campus club to promote bullying prevention, kindness, and/or inclusivity.

Funds can be used for costs related to club activities, events, materials, and resources.

RMCCF will award up to five (5) scholarships to be distributed in August 2022. The scholarship recipients will have the choice of Option A or Option B.

Option A*: $500, along with a set of kindness kits for up to 5% of the student population.

Option B*: $250, along with a set of kindness kits for up to 5% of the student population, a reusable club banner (3×6 ft.), kindness posters, 100 friendship bracelets, a wall planner, materials for 2 interactive club banners, 50 club logo pins, and 100 club logo stickers.

*Restrictions apply. See Terms & Conditions.


  • The K-12 school must be located in Riverside County, CA and cannot operate as a homeschool, virtual school, daycare, or after-school care program.
  • The club must be a new club at the school that initiates in the 2022-2023 school year and have the approval of school administration.
  • The scholarship application must be completed by school staff.

If awarded a scholarship, the club will be required to:

  • Submit the HERO Club Scholarship contract, signed by a school administrator and/or the club advisor.
  • Include RMCCF & ABI logos on all club marketing materials.*
  • Stay in contact with the RMCCF Bullying Prevention Program Coordinator regarding club activities.
Application Has Closed


Scholarship advisory committee members must be able to make independent decisions on behalf of the scholarship fund and the Riverside Medical Clinic Charitable Foundation without potential or perceived influence caused by a conflict of interest.

They must evaluate the eligibility of all applicants without bias and make selection recommendations based on the established objective criteria for the scholarship. Advisory committee members should avoid any situation where personal and business relationships could have, or give the appearance of having, undue influence on the member’s judgment in matters under consideration. In case of a potential conflict of interest, the member shall declare the conflict, and refrain from participating in the discussions and decision-making process.

Riverside Medical Clinic Charitable Foundation does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of any applicable protected classification including, but not limited to, race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations. These activities and operations include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, advertising for available scholarships, selection of scholarship recipients, and the provision of related services. Riverside Medical Clinic Charitable Foundation is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of its staff, volunteers, vendors, applicants, and scholarship recipients.


A potential or actual conflict of interest exists when commitments and obligations are likely to be compromised by the employee or board member’s material interests or relationships (especially economic), particularly if those interests or commitments are not disclosed. As such, no RMCCF employee or board member (or familial relation of either) may apply for scholarship funds. If found to be applying for funds, said application will be withdrawn from consideration. These restrictions do not apply to Riverside Medical Clinic (RMC) employees unless the said employee is a relative of an RMCCF employee or board member. Please contact us via email if you have any questions or concerns or wish to report a potential conflict of interest.


Questions? Contact the Program Coordinator at Joe@RMCcharity.org.